Thursday, 23 June 2011

Colombia - Part 2

After Taganga, we headed to Parque Nacional Tayrona for what turned out to be the highlight of our trip in Colombia. The park is located about 5 hours north east of Cartagena; along the coast.

1 hour into the hike
We stayed in the national park for a week - but could have easily stayed a lot longer. We had four days in an "eco lodge" and three days in a cabin deep inside the park itself. The highlight was definately the cabin.

2 hours into the hike

To get to the cabin - found on a beach called Cabo San Juan - there was a 3 hour hike through all sorts of different terrain: mud, dirt, beach, over rocks, and through the jungle. The day we decided to go it happened to be just over 35 degrees which made life extremely difficult for us, but we soldiered on and got there - sweating like perverts - and dived straight into the beautiful, clear blue water.

3 hours into the hike, and the view from our cabin

View from the beach
looking up to our cabin
The national park is absolutely stunning. Fortunately the government keeps the park in very good condition. It is extremely clean, and entirely different from the likes of Santa Marta and Taganga. They also limit the amount of alcohol you can carry into the park itself in an effort to reduce the amount of drunk, dickhead, tourists, and the effects that this can have on the park itself.

There is limited food and virtually no shops anywhere within an hour's walk, so the area is pretty remote.

We'll leave it at that for now. Enjoy the photos. And don't get too jealous, we're not there anymore.

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